Yellow Medicine Soil and Water Conservation District * (320) 669- 4442 ext. 3
Next Regular Board Meeting: THURSDAY, September 26, 2024 9AM
Ag Service Center Clarkfield, MN
What do we mean by cost share programs or state cost share?
The goal:
get the right projects out on the land
in the right place
for the right reason
YOU are our provider. You provide the lawn, field, pasture or other canvas for great conservation work to happen!
OUR JOB is to figure out how to make the projects, practices and programs work for YOU. We rely on new technologies, community-based plans, and YOUR long-time knowledge of YOUR land to know what projects apply and where to put them.
Let's get going on implementing projects today! When we do, we will start with your interests for the field or your operation and try to find the best program to fit your needs. We have cost share, financing, incentives and options. We can simply provide advice or connect you with the best resource for information and funding.
Contact the SWCD Staff for more info today!
Structural Projects-
We can pay:
$ - up to 75% of the cost of qualifying expenses for structural practices!
$ - Up to 90% cost share for qualifying projects in high priority watershed areas!
$ - for qualifying projects on your fields or in your yard. This includes in town as well!
$ - for things like terraces, waterways, and some types of tree windbreaks!
We can also cost share managed drainage systems for retaining and filtering water - like you see here!
*cover crops *no-till *strip-till
NEW Cost Share opportunities available thru the SWCD. Check out our Soil Health page to learn more.
Federal Programs also available.